Linked Questions

23 votes
4 answers

How to properly denoise renderings?

Since the Denoise feature was added to Blender I only use the default setting with it and it really does the work. But sometimes the denoise is noticable on some of my renders. How can I overcome the ...
Justin Ochea's user avatar
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Best settings for denoising in Cycles

I am working on a project and I am using the Cycles render engine. Denoising usually seems like a good option but the image does become a little blurry when I use denoising with the default settings. ...
Apoorv Pal's user avatar
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Why do black spots appear on my render?

So I was following a tutorial on YouTube on How to make light bulbs (by Blender Guru) but when I did the render black spots appeared on the filament . AND They don't look like noise AT ALL. You can ...
Laldinthara Khiangte's user avatar
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Pixelated light in final render [duplicate]

I've rendered my final scene but the emitting light from the bulb shows a weird pixelated shade at the base and on the bulb... however it seems like its clear in the viewport render. Any ideas? Is it ...
obloquy's user avatar
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Firefles in Glass rendering

Every time I use glass material in Cycles render with diffuse or any other material with the help of mix shader, I always see 'fireflies' (small random illuminated pixels). I have already tried ...
Yogendra Bijwe's user avatar
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Glass / jelly material speckled with fireflies

I'm working on an animation where a cube of jelly falls from the sky (it's best not to think too hard about it). . Here's frame 45: There are loads of speckles, which I've learned are called "...
Judebert's user avatar
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Lightbulb Filament lighting distorting

I have been trying to figure out why when I render my lightbulb image, the light coming off it becomes completely distorted. When I use preview render everything works fine. I have tried various light ...
FuzzyLogic12's user avatar
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The Rendered Image has bright white pixels [duplicate]

After hitting F12, the rendered image looks pixalated, even if I change the resolution setting to 200%. ]2
Aniket Das's user avatar
2 votes
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Faint duplication of elements seen through glass [closed]

Made these simple lightbulbs in a quest to understand blender lighting when I encountered a problem with the render not only faintly duplicating my light source but also the thin wires in the other ...
Casper's user avatar
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Why is there still so much noise? [duplicate]

I added a portal to the the window and put the size to 9.353, and also rendered the samples at 2000 and there is still noise. do I need to portals for this?
Jacob Fausett's user avatar