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Massive import with CSV file [duplicate]

I have exported game archive with all objects. I also have CSV file with all their details, such as model name, location, rotation (XYZW). How do I import CSV file, and make blender read it and put ...
Temirlan Tauzhanov's user avatar
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How to read the data in CSV file and create object accordingly by using python console in blender [duplicate]

i have a .csv file like the picture above i want to read the csv file and be able to pull out the information and make it like something below: |mode | lon | lat | name ...
JeffFederick's user avatar
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Create Group of Cylinders from a TXT file [duplicate]

I need to visualize a large group (say 200, 300) of cylinders from coordinates stored in a text file. One cylinder per line, defined by X1,Y1,Z1 and X2,Y2,Z2 (start and end), and by a diameter. Is ...
Nelson's user avatar
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Can I import data points into Blender?

I have a number of relatively straightforward line charts, such as this: It would be great if I could somehow import the data points into Blender, perhaps to define a curve, to allow me to produce ...
Alex Cole's user avatar
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Earthquake visualization in blender?

I have csv catalogue(s) of earthquakes occurring in time and xyz space that can be individually represented as cubes or spheres of differing sizes depending on the earthquake magnitude. I have little ...
Dick Meehan's user avatar
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Import coordinates from CSV and create sphere at each position

I have a CSV containing x,y, and z coordinates. The CSV also has a fourth column containing information on sphere diameter. I need to create a sphere at each coordinate, having the corresponding ...
user120911's user avatar
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csv file reading

I know this was already addressed in this post: How to read a csv file and use the values as x and y points in blender? but I don't have enough reputation yet to comment on it to keep the thread ...
S.Now's user avatar
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Saving and loading object name location and rotation of a selection

I would like to know how I can save selected object names, location and rotation using Python in Blender 2.8 in a CSV. And then using the same CSV apply this information to another blend file with ...
Peter's user avatar
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Creating multiple curves from CSV

I have a CSV file that contains XYZ points for many separate curves. It is formatted like this x y z curve ID 1 2 3 aB12 7 8 9 aB13 8 10 40 aB12 1 3 6 aB13 I'm looking for ...
erikbb's user avatar
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How to use CSV values to drive object scale?

CONTEXT: I am trying to create a 3D Data-Viz project that will take values from a CSV file and use certain values to drive the Z-scale of simple cubes that will stretch vertically as a value gets ...
Paniom's user avatar
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animation of two object using csv file

i have two different mesh in blender and i want both of them move independently using different f-curve at same time and using different csv files but i am not able to do that. Is there any way to do ...
Rajneesh Sharma's user avatar
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How can I create a 3D model of the CIELAB color space? [duplicate]

My professor and I are trying to create and print a 3D model of the CIELAB color space for one of my Master's studies. He has provided me with a CSV of the color space's data points (which you can ...
Erin Clark's user avatar
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import positions and orientation into a camera [duplicate]

hello I have a list of positions and orientations in the form of x y z, and rotX, rotY,rotZ I have a script in my game that saves the position of my camera each frame and I need to play that back in a ...
mark's user avatar
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