Linked Questions

5 votes
2 answers

Snap individual vertex of the selection to closest vertex

I want each individual vertex of my selection to snap to the closest unselected ones, so they superpose each other. Im aware of the vertex snapping utility along the "closest" mode but it only work ...
Kaleb's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Connect vertices where they would meet, not fill?

Lets say I have a plane, and I extrude two edges, it would produce a gap. I would like to fill this gap by using the projected intersection of the new outer edges. Shown in the right most example of ...
blackhole's user avatar
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1 vote
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Why am I getting different shading on different faces when I merge the vertices?

I started with a bowl shaped geometry with no top and no bottom. I wanted to add geometry to the top of this semi-sphere, so that I can use sculpting to mould it to a desired state. Does Sculpting ...
Ritik Jangir's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to merge 2 parts of the same object? [duplicate]

i have a simple question for you, i need to "merge" 2 parts of the same object in edit mode where the faces collide, here a simple example to better explain the desiderata: IS it possible in Blender ...
Tharnadar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Align a vertex on a diagonal line

I have a diagonal line that's been subdivided, so it has a point in the middle. I want to move this point so that it vertically aligns with other another point along the global Y axis, but so that, ...
cheesemonkey102's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Adding a vertex onto an angled edge in precise X position

I'm designing a part for 3D printing, but I do not know how to cut an angled edge at a precise absolute X position. I marked in red the place where I would like to insert a vertex. It's exactly 2 ...
Filip Franik's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I snap to an interstection

I have two walls that meet in the corner, one is at an angle and the other is square. I would like to be able to drag the selected edge up to match the angled wall. I want it to align exactly because ...
Jesse's user avatar
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