I am working on this tutorial but I am stuck on creating mask to the sphere or something. I have the main sphere (planet) in layer 1 and have created an atmosphere in the layer 3. Now this tutorial says :
Now to give the Atmosphere in the separate layer a mask you duplicate the 1st Sphere (Surface Sphere) again and move it to the same layer as the atmosphere, now give the mask a Diffuse Shader and set the color to Black.
Even if I decide to skip this part, I am unable to start compositing. I have rendered planet on slot 1 and the atmosphere in slot 2. I can't get these two renders on the same node setup. They always duplicate each other. This is my blender window:
Also can you please try looking at the node setup from the tutorial page. and explain a few things.
This image is on photobucket so I cant see a high res image. You all must be experienced to guess a few things. Both of my render layers nodes are of same size but here, the first layer(planet) seems to have more options on its nodes. There are even 2 outputs from that layer.
1) How to get such node?
2) Can you guess the 2 look alike nodes next to the blur nodes?
3) And what is the second last node?