
Modeling question - twist/bend part of a mesh

Is there a way to twist/bend part of a mesh like this? I tried the Simple Deform modifier, but didn't really get a good result. Any suggestions? enter image description here

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ you can try with curve modifier $\endgroup$
    – atek
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 7:32
  • $\begingroup$ But that's 100% do-able by the normal rotation tool $\endgroup$
    – BumbleBee
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 7:56
  • $\begingroup$ The easiest way probably would be to select the crossing edgeloop to be twisted, fill a non-manifold face there, rotate it around normal Z axis to create desired twisting and delete a face. $\endgroup$
    – Mr Zak
    Commented Feb 26, 2017 at 21:12

2 Answers 2


Great method for shapes like that is shown here in the picture. Here is what you have to do:

  • place 3 profile (can be more) meshes depending on what form you want. Profiles must have the same vertex count.
  • join all the parts into 1 mesh.
  • with profiles selected press W and then 'Bridge edge loops'.
  • check 'Tools menu (T)' for more options if you need.
  • apply subdivision modifier.

enter image description here

You can see the result in the second picture. This is similar. For your case you must adjust the placement of the profiles and then adjust the 2nd. profile to match the one you need. I think you will need 4 profiles to get an accurate result.


If you wish to try with curve modifiers, I tried an example setup for you to follow:

First, I created a similar arm shape, starting from a cube extruded and subdivided, and also a 3 vertex bezier curve object, straightened along the arm axis. Then I added a curve modifier to the above curve object, adjusted size and position. The subdiv modifier is to get a similar arm shape, with an edge loop.

enter image description here

Here you see the curve setup

enter image description here

Then in top view I starded moving one side curve vertex

enter image description here

which ended like this:

enter image description here

then I switched to right view

enter image description here

and moved the same vertex along Z to get the rough starting shape

enter image description here

Now, using the curve tilt tool on that same vertex

enter image description here

I twisted the mesh about 90 degrees

enter image description here

then inverted the selection, to select only the remaining 2 vertices of the curve, to adjust their tilt too:

enter image description here

Of course you can add more or less control points, and move, adjust, tilt them to get exactly the shape you need.



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