I have made a conversion of a mesh for the Dragon Age 2 video-game, and though the model animates properly in-game, and the weights are fine, I can't get rid of a weird problem with the neck.
As you can see in the picture, there's some sort of gap, as if the head was floating in a misplaced position. The armature of the model is a completely different file which I didn't touch at all. There's not currently any Blender plugin to export edited armatures for Dragon Age 2, so I have to do with the original one (which otherwise works perfectly). I tried setting the armature as parent for all the mesh chunks (as was the case with the original mesh) but still nothing. I also set the body as parent for the head without results. What am I doing wrong? Here's the .blend file, in case it helps (it was made with Blender 2.49, because the import/export plugins don't work in newer versions):