
When I add a Mirror Modifier to an object, I need to align the mesh so I can properly join the mirrored mesh with the original object mesh. I always have difficulties in the alignment. Is there a way or command that automatically aligns the mirrored mesh?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I'd suggest that you watch a good tutorial on using the Mirror modifier such as this one. $\endgroup$
    – John Eason
    Commented Aug 26, 2022 at 14:31

1 Answer 1


One method would be to position the Object Origin (orange dot) on the flat end side so that when you do the mirror it will perfectly align. First make sure you're in Edit Mode and make sure there is no face (delete it if there is) then Select Edge Loop of the open end you want to merge with the other mirrored mesh. Press Shift+S and select Cursor to Selected. Then press tab to return to Object Mode and click RMB (right click) > Set Origin > Origin to 3D Cursor. Now the Mirror Modifier will perfectly join both ends of the mesh if you have correctly set the X,Y, or Z Axis.

enter image description here


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