
I am currently working on a suspended installation of cardboard cubes, or tubes, that delegates write on and an install team will hang to create an icon. By the end of the event there will be a finished piece.

To visualise this I am looking to create this on Blender however I am having trouble creating this. Is there a process I could use in Blender that could translate a model into these separate shapes to save me from manually creating this?

Thank you!

Plane out of Paper

Butterfly out of cubes


1 Answer 1


Geometry Nodes are probably the best way to do it, but you can try it with Particle > Hair:

enter image description here

Build the object (the plane), give it a particle system. Enable the Advanced option to have some rotation options, under Emission choose the number of particles, also choose Source > Emit From > Volume. Under Rotation choose the way the particles are oriented.

Under Render > Render As choose Object, and Instance Object > choose the object that is used as particle. Deactivate Show Emitter. Deactivate it also under Viewport Display:

enter image description here

If you need more particles in some parts of the object, paint it in Weight Paint mode and in the Particle panel, under Vertex Groups > Density, choose the group you've created.

  • $\begingroup$ This is great thank you so much for your help! $\endgroup$
    – Will
    Commented Jul 15, 2022 at 11:13

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