I was trying to fix this problem by myself 8 hours straight, but haven't succed. Your help really means a lot to me, if you'd decide to take a look: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LVfNcs-NJGTxYVFaW6c4rezDgfIcV909/view?usp=sharing
My rig has some problems with IK Stretch and I have no living idea how to fix it. The problem is when you move bones foot_ik.L and foot_ik.R down along the axis Z, And toe_ik.L and toe_ik.R along any axis, the mesh wierdly distorts. In the same time, while you move hand_ik.L or hand_ik.R everything works perfect.
I tried:
- Reparenting all of the feet bones to each other
- Changing different parameters in the bone properties bar
- Restructuring the metarig and regenerating it
Thank you for your effort, waiting for your advices or solutions
- mesh destortion by foot_ik https://i.sstatic.net/ibpMu.jpg
- mesh distortion by toe_ik https://i.sstatic.net/rGXjm.jpg
- the bones, which seems to me to be the origin of all the problems https://i.sstatic.net/uvOi3.jpg
- that bone is the only one, which expands, despite of that its IK rig https://i.sstatic.net/UiAde.jpg
- hand_ik works perfectly well https://i.sstatic.net/ErL3W.jpg