I'm learning to use Blender, for plan drawing by design projects. I'm very new in this program and not familiar with 3D design. I was working in the Edit mode for quite a long time and then switched to the Object mode. My object was totally different, but the render from Edit mode was still OK. I made quite a lot of "intersect-knife" by working on my object and I think this destructured my drawing. But can somebody explain this (look screenshots)? Now, a few minutes after this screenshot, the entire drawing in Edit mode is like this one in Object mode. Strange or not?
2 Answers
It's the displacement modifier that is causing the issue. The output of the displacement modifier is not visible in edit mode, but when you switch back to object mode the mesh looks weird. Just delete the displacement modifier if you are not using it.
It seems that you have not checked the button show the modifier in edit mode.
if you check that you will get the same result in edit mode and object mode.