Adding a loop cut to an object with a circular profile renders the object non-circular. This is true for any object with a circular frame e.g. plain circles, UV-spheres, cylinders, cones, etc.
Top-left is the mesh of a plain circle with Subsurf modifier applied (bottom-left). Notice how adding one additional vertex (top-right) makes the circle skewed (bottom-right).
Is there a tool/transform/way to correct the circle?
Knowing the solution to this should help solve the problem for all the aforementioned objects. I tried selecting all points and applied the To Sphere transform in vain. It didn't help.
I thought putting the vertex r
radius away from the circle's centre like the rest of the vertices will help, looks like it doesn't.
radius away, but you're right! That isn't solving the problem since subsurf does flatten the curve and the skew doesn't vanish. $\endgroup$