I have been following this tutorial on how to rig a car wheel: Blender How to make a Tire Roll - Tutorial Constraints
I don't follow exactly the tutorial as I am using the local axis, so that I can drive my car in a straight line in all directions. The problem I am having is that when I try to Parent the "WheelRig" to "MainController", the wheel stops spinning. So I used the constraint "Child of", and the wheel spins almost as expected.
The problem I am having is that if you rotate the "MainController" say 130 degrees in the Z-axis, and move the "MainController" in the local x-axis, the wheel spins backwards.
If I unparent "WheelRig" from "MainController" and rotate the "WheelRig" as above it works.
So what can I fix this? Why isn't the wheel spinning if I just use "Set Parent to ..."?
I have uploaded the .blend-file to my Dropbox, so you can download and have a look. (Just close the login to dropbox if you don't have and account and you can download the file)