I’m new to rigging and this model is my first attempt.
But because of that, I’m of course having some minor issues ( that I hope remain minor lol ).
The Problem
I’m following this tutorial concerning a spine rig. It seems as though I and a few others in the comments are having the same issue at the timestamped 13:25 mark.
When Dikko selects "DEF_spine.001" and "DEF_hips.001" to parent them with "CTRL_hips.001", his parent to child relationship is the only one rotating. The rest of the deformation bones stay put along with the “CTRL_COG” and “FK_torso” bones. This is the effect that’s supposed to be achieved.
However, when I rotate "CTRL_hips.001" after making it the parent to "DEF_hips.001" ( in my scenario as I only have one bone there ), all of my deformation bones rotate. This is not supposed to happen.
What I’ve Attempted
I’ve done very simple rigs with FK and IK controls before with success and I’ve tried various things to fix this issue.
I was thinking that maybe because “DEF_hips.001” is attached to the entire deformation chain that it’s causing the entire thing to move when it’s made the child of “CTRL_hips.001”. But should “DEF_hips.001” not inherit the properties of “CTRL_hips.001” if it becomes the child of that instead of the “CTRL_hips.001” apparently inheriting the properties of “DEF_hips.001”?
I should note I used this tutorial to replicate the basic heat bone method to avoid initial errors I had. That's what the "dupe / duplication" collection is for.
My Files
Attached in my box are two files people can open to see what I’m doing wrong. One is called “base” ( original ) and “error” what’s replicating the problem above.
Also his a visual of what my current FK setup looks like in both files.