I've imported a model from MagicaVoxel, and it uses UV mapping to assign vertex colors. I'm editing it in Blender 2.8, but I'm running into the issue that one vertex has 2 UVs in the same UV map! I thought this was impossible, and I need one vertex per UV. See the image below:
Here's a video of the same effect in motion (you might need to full-screen to see the detail)
As explained in the image, selecting that vertex in the 3D viewport auto-selects 2 UVs in the UV editor. Alternatively, selecting one of those 2 UVs auto-selects the other, but the stats bar at the bottom says I've only picked 1 vert.
How can I split these type of vertices that have multiple UVs? I'd like one vertex for the light-gray UV, and one vertex for the navy blue UV. My scene has 135k verts, so I would be very grateful for a solution that doesn't require I hand-pick them.