
I need to to make an object list and a material list from 100 existing objects. Making the object list is simple, I just box-select the objects and in animation node I use the "From Selection" option from the "create Object List" node.

Unfortunately, there is no such option for materials list. Is there I way I can automate creating a materials list from an object list? I have tried the "expression" node, but was not able to extract the materials list, due to my limited knowledge of python.

Thanks in advance for your help.




1 Answer 1


Welcome to StackExchange. You can easily get the material of the object with Expression Node by using Obj.material_slots[Index].material. Here I have made AN-Material of Object group-node which allows getting material of any object: enter image description here

For Object List, you can use Loop Node and AN-Material of Object to the materials of objects in the object-list: enter image description here

Blend File:

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It works and it does exactly what I needed it to do. Thank you so much for your precious help. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 10, 2019 at 9:30

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