I'm trying to reproduce this tutorial on my Blender 2.79 in Linux machine from this YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3CwKkiJZN0. But the problem is somewhere in this video, instructor switches to node editor and his screen looks like this:
I just draw a red circle over that option that I don't see in my Blender when I switch to node tree. In fact, my Blender looks like this:
As you can see, I don't have that option in my node editor and unfortunately, instructor does not say anything about that option (e.g. how to load it up). I will be very grateful to let me know how I can add that option in my node tree in order to be able to reproduce this tutorial. I really appreciate any comment, suggestion, or recommendation.
I downloaded v2.0 of animation nodes add on and I enabled it like this: