I have a (baked) particle cache, I can enter "Particle Edit" mode, but I can't seem to be able to delete selected particle trajectories. Can it be done? How?
I've created a minimal example: there's an emission object and a "kill particles" collision object. A "dupli" object is added just for visibility.
Let's say I want to remove retroactively all the particles that aren't killed by the obstacle.
Several other related questions have answers that mention Select+X and Select+Del (in Particle Edit mode) as ways to remove trajectories or trajectory points: it wasn't specified. I'm unable to do either.
In "Path" select mode, I can't seem to select anything, with either RMB or C+LMB:
In "Point" select mode, I'm able to select trajectory points (but I wouldn't know how to select all the trajectories: there's no Ctrl+L functionality). However, X and Select+Del show no effect.
Same for "Tip":
The "cut" brush also seems ineffective:
you can download my minimal example here: