
I really want to be able to apply mapping to a curve object. For instance a rope or pipe that has a repeated pattern along its length that follows it's twists and turns.

There must be a simple way to generate UV coordinates for such an object without converting it to a mesh and unwrapping it. Can anyone help?


3 Answers 3


Yes, you can. Just simply toggle the Use UV for mapping option in Properties Editor > Object Data Tab > Texture space panel.

enter image description here

For BI render

  • In order to use UV coordinate, you have to convert the curve object into a mesh object to store UV (AltC > 2). Just besure to have that optio toggled, which will automatically generate a neat UV (named Orco by default). and set Texture coornidate to UV:

enter image description here

  • If you don't want to convert the curve object into a mesh, for regular use, you have a nice option, by using Generated coodinate instead for texture:

enter image description here

For Cycles Render:

  • After toggling Use UV for mapping option, you can immidiately see the automatic Orco UV in 3D View, Cycles will by default use UV coordinate for both curve and mesh:

enter image description here


The easiest and quickest way to create UV for a pipe (curve) without having to convert it to a mesh is to use the generated UVs.

  1. I am assuming that you are using cycles

  2. Assign a (diffuse) material to your mesh (in the materials tab) if you haven't already

    enter image description here

  3. Add an image to your material, Shift + A -> Texture -> Image Texture

  4. Add an UV input, Shift + A -> Input -> Texture Coordinate

    enter image description here


  • the curve is still intact, you don't have to convert to mesh

  • the generated UV is not perfect and there may be some minor stretching

enter image description here


This answer only applies if you are using cycles to render your scene. Note that I can't provide an answer for the internal renderer.

However, in cycles, this can be achieved easily by using the following note setup. This generates a nicely distributed trexture ove the beveled curve (I guess that is what you want):

Texture and node setup


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