I want to show heart's interior i.e., I wanna show the heart's inside portion by cutting heart in two parts, but I am not sure how to start? Anybody guess how to start it or is there any tutorial?
$\begingroup$ related: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/42161/… $\endgroup$– user1853Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 5:59
3$\begingroup$ Possible duplicate of How can I easily animate cutaway views on multiple objects? $\endgroup$– user1853Commented Apr 17, 2017 at 6:22
$\begingroup$ I don't want to show animation for the cross - section. Instead I want to create the cross section from scratch but I am not sure how to do it? I mean what should I do which practices should I follow to create 3D model. I did not create any complex structure yet. $\endgroup$– Prashant TomarCommented Apr 17, 2017 at 6:58
$\begingroup$ So, this is mainly a "plumbing" modeling problem? $\endgroup$– lemonCommented Apr 17, 2017 at 8:10
$\begingroup$ I'd suggest doing a search of Youtube; although a bit old (dating to 2009), there is a 12 part series on modeling the human heart in Blender by Michael Lively (cf. <youtu.be/ygUCu89sQpw>), although I've not watched it, and can't verify that it uses cycles. I know there are others, too. $\endgroup$– brasshatCommented Apr 17, 2017 at 9:22
1 Answer
As you asked "how to start", here is a way to begin the modeling:
Keep it simple
A tube is a subdivided open cube:
You can extrude it using CtrlLMB:
You can also extrude or inset in order to have some branching out and AltShiftS allows to round (go to sphere) rapidly:
From a surface, you can also extrude to create vessels in/out puts:
Once the exterior part modeled (be sure to be happy with it). You can create the inner part using a solidify modifier, with no rim:
Then apply the modifier (only the solidify, not the subdivision) and separate the two parts using P then 'by loose parts'. So you can work on the inner model keeping the exterior as it is:
After that you can 'draw' the inner parts, for instance for a valve, using a bevel CtrlB:
Or the knife tool:
Hope these few simple technics can help.