In Blender Game Engine, I'm trying to get input from an RFID reader that reads data in form of 10 digits e.g. 0010293221. I've tried using the 'Keyboard' sensor to get the key. And I've also tried using the 'Always' sensor with true pulse mode too. The key was read fine but not all of it. For example, the RFID that suppose to be read is 0010293221, but I got 01293 or something like this. Let's say it skipped some digit (not particular digit but different digits in each reading) and it didn't read all 10. Sometimes I got 5 digits, sometimes 3, or 1...
I've tried reading and put the input into others program e.g. Notepad and even Blender Text Editor window and it worked just perfect. All 10 digits were read correctly. But within the runtime game there's problem like I describe above.
It seems like the key input from the RFID reader is too quick (frequent) for BGE or else?
Anyone have any solution for this? Please help me.
Thank you.