
Or how to go from this cube

to this

cube with missing wedge

I know it can be done with the knife or by extruding an edge and then delete faces and recreate them, but both solutions seem too complicated for a single thing that is so often needed. The same applies for creating a wedge out, though that is a bit easier.

  • $\begingroup$ Try the Boolean Modifier. $\endgroup$
    – Dontwalk
    Commented May 25, 2016 at 18:20

3 Answers 3

  1. Select top edge, the one where you'd like to add one more.
  2. Press Alt+V to activate Rip Fill tool (or Ctrl+V > Rip Fill in menu). The edge will get ripped out, but connected to the rest of geometry at the same time.
  3. To grab it accordingly to the geometry, press G immediately after ripping to activate Edge Slide tool. The new edge will be moved along the existing edges.
  4. If you really would like to get rid of edges going down to the original loop cut, you can dissolve them. Do note though that this will result in an Ngon, which can be treated not as you expect it to be (and hence you may want to rip fill both top and bottom edges using stated method; as a result the new edge will be a part of new loopcut).

    ripping edge GIF

  • $\begingroup$ Accepted answer because it can do this without the extra faces that a loop cut would create outside the intended region. $\endgroup$
    – qwazix
    Commented May 30, 2016 at 11:29

You can push your top face down, add a loop cut, then extrude one face up. Then, you can simply drag the remaining edge to the same height.

enter image description here

You can also skip the first step, and simply add a loopcut. Select the face on the right, press extrude, and LMB. Then, pull up that face and the other edge.

enter image description here

This one is a little bit tricky, but uses the same method. Add a loopcut, Select the face on the left, press extrude, then click. Then, with the vertex selection mode active, press Ctrl+I to select evreything but the vertices connected to that face. Then, deselect all vertices except for the two in the middle. You can now move them down. DO note that you may want to also press W - Remove doubles, as this method will have two vertices in the same spot.

enter image description here


Another way to get the same final shape is

  1. subdivide only the upper face

enter image description here

  1. then subdivide one of the new half faces

enter image description here

  1. then grab the newest edge and grab it down Z

enter image description here

  1. then activate snap tools to edges

enter image description here

  1. and grab the same edge to match Y of the upper edge

enter image description here

  1. you'll end up with this

enter image description here

It's not extruding, but it gets the job done and gives you as few faces as possible, thanks to ngons.


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