Zooming in to inspect texture details in 3D view clips some closer faces like shown in the image. It's not the camera view so changing camera settings doesn't help.
Where can the distance to the clipping plane be adjusted?
Zooming in to inspect texture details in 3D view clips some closer faces like shown in the image. It's not the camera view so changing camera settings doesn't help.
Where can the distance to the clipping plane be adjusted?
It's in the 3D View area's Properties N menu > View tab:
It doesn't affect Orthographic view, where there's no view distance.
How to set the the view port clip parameters per Python script is described in an answer to the question "Setting camera clip end via Python".
Older Blender 2.7:
As I searched a lot for this pane, here where I found it on Blender 2.8: