
For my current project, I've decided to use metric units. I am trying to work at the millimeter level, but when I create a new object (Cube) it's set to a one meter scale by default. How do I tell Blender that I want the default scale for all new objects in this blend file to be set to, for instance, one centimeter?

When using the Blender units scale I didn't concern myself with this stuff, but I'm trying to be more accurate in my designs.


1 Answer 1


You can set units and scale in the Properties Panel

enter image description here

Newly added cube after scaling to .01m with Edge Info Length enabled:

enter image description here

There are also a few settings in 3D-Views Properties-Panel (N) these influence only the display:

enter image description here

See also:

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks! That setting had escaped me. I kept looking in UserPref thinking it would be there but I guess this makes more sense $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 11, 2013 at 13:55

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