Here is my model, with a baked walking animation.
As you can see the hair is doing some wild things, is the scale of my model the problem? I am using vertex groups for the hair particle systems, there is two. Left scalp and right scalp (shown below).
At 300 particles on each side, the hair freaks out with or without children. I could really use some help on this, I have tried various things like:
- Add collision modifiers
- Changing the particle settings (with/without children etc)
- Redoing particle systems from scratch
But I am still at a loss, so the last idea I have is that the model scale is too low for the dynamic hair to work properly.
But same thing happens when scale is at 1, no children, clothes on (they have collision modifier on).
Should I use the other method of using separated scalp as the emitter instead of the model mesh itself? Any and all help is appreciated