So I'm new to blender and I've been playing around with bones and meshes. What I'm trying to do is creating a skeleton for my character, without using automatic weights. I don't want to use automatic weights for 2 reasons:
- I want to learn how it works
- The automatic weights add all vertex groups to the mesh, which I do not need since my characters is a voxel model so I don't need stretching (one bone mostly moves one mesh)
I have done the following, but I am missing something, the bone moves, but the mesh does not move with it.
- Created a bone as a child of another bone
- Added a vertex group to the mesh, with the same name as the bone
- Set the weight of that vertex group to '1', using the slider in edit mode, and clicked 'apply'
- Added a armature modifier to the mesh, with the correct armature set (only have one so it's hard to miss)
- Made the bone a parent of the mesh, or the other way around (I'm not sure, clicked the mesh, then the bone, then added as parent using ctrl-p).
However, when the bone moves, the mesh does not move with it. When I use automatic weights, it does work. Which leaves me to conclude I'm missing a step, but I cannot figure out which one.
Thanks for reading, appreciate it!