I'm working on a quick project for work where I need to turn an STEP file into an FBX for Blender, which I have done... However, now that it's in Blender I'm noticing some problems with its wireframe and things of that sort.
For one, the wireframe is really... messy? For lack of a better word. It has made the right shapes and amazing 3D model, but a lot of the triangles/polys are stretched and bundled together near pivot points-- I'll attach an image. There are too many, too close together, that aren't doing anything.
The other issue(s) come along with this. There are over 6 Million triangles. The file is huge. And there are 3000 objects, which I can join, but I'm throwing it in there to help make a point.
Is there any way for me to just... remap my model? Simplify the triangles? Please help out if you can, and thank you.