
I'm working on a quick project for work where I need to turn an STEP file into an FBX for Blender, which I have done... However, now that it's in Blender I'm noticing some problems with its wireframe and things of that sort.

For one, the wireframe is really... messy? For lack of a better word. It has made the right shapes and amazing 3D model, but a lot of the triangles/polys are stretched and bundled together near pivot points-- I'll attach an image. There are too many, too close together, that aren't doing anything.

enter image description here

The other issue(s) come along with this. There are over 6 Million triangles. The file is huge. And there are 3000 objects, which I can join, but I'm throwing it in there to help make a point.

enter image description here

Is there any way for me to just... remap my model? Simplify the triangles? Please help out if you can, and thank you.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ What you really need is a new topology, I don't know if I have finished cleaning your model but I doubt that it is so, the answer they gave you is not correct, I recommend you consider making a new model with a better topology, it will take you less time than cleaning 6 million TRIS $\endgroup$
    – user58715
    Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 2:30

1 Answer 1


First of all select your triangular mesh faces then press ALT+J for shortcut of 'Tris to Quads'. it can help you to solve some of triangles, for rest of tricky areas you have to do it manually.


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