I asked how to fill a volumn area with a hexagon. over here: Fill the volume area of one mesh with another mesh
This was marked as a duplicate, and pointed to a solution. https://blender.stackexchange.com/a/80721/39530 I edited my question to reflect the original solution didn't work for me.
Proposed solution doesn't work for a hexagon. The rigidbodies never settle in the animation.
So I am asking again as the edited question that it is marked as duplicate isn't being viewed.
I would like to know if it is possible to fill a mesh, using it as a bounds area to then fill it entirely with a polygon(the shape) mesh.
The idea is I’ve blocked out a level design. But i want my level to be all hexagons(the shape) just like Vavle’s the lab archery level.
I have made various block sections of the level and now want to make it look like the section is made up of multiple individual hexagon meshes. So I want them all touching but would still like to modify them individually. For example I am wanting to add details to the outside hexagon meshes.
So if the rigidbody doesn't work, is there a rubber stamp solution? I would make a group of hexagons stamp them in a area. I would want each mesh to snap edges to a its neighbor if it's the same type of object.