I'm trying to copy all the keyframes from the camera 1 (called camera) to the camera 2 (called voodoo_render_cam) that's connected to an empty. What I do is : (in the dope sheet window) I select first all the keyframes of the camera 1 and then the camera 2 (it has no keyframes) and then I press CTRL + L and then "animation data" and happens that both the cameras have anymore keyframes embedded. All the keyframes are deleted. What's wrong ? what I'm trying to do ? I would like that the camera 1 (camera) disappear and that the camera 2 (voodoo_render_cam) take its place. It could also not disappear but I want that the camera 2 is placed on the same position of the camera 1. Maybe there is another way to do that. I have attached a video to show you what happens.
you can find the blender file here.