Linked Questions

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Where is the geometry node's scale node? [duplicate]

Looking to add a scale node that connects a vector output to an offset input portrayed in the image above.
Justin Coleman's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the equivalent of "Field at Index"? (Blender 3.5) [duplicate]

What resources are there that show the differences in nodes between versions? I'm following this tutorial and can't find the "Field at Index" node: 12:00 (Bricks Tutorial)
CountQuadula's user avatar
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Missing inputs in point instance Geometry Node [duplicate]

I am missing some info (like X Y Z vertices and other rotation infos) in some of my geometry nodes. I am using Blender 2.93.3 and my nodes addons are activated. Here are 2 screens of what I have and ...
Mel's user avatar
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What replaced "attribute randomize"? [duplicate]

I cannot find attribute randomize. Where is it located, or what replaced it?
Anonymous's user avatar
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Blender 3.2 - Point Instance Node. Is this available or did the name change? [duplicate]

Blender 3.2 - "Point Instance" Node. Is this available or did the name change?
CountQuadula's user avatar
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Why are the attribute nodes missing in the geometry node editor? [duplicate]

I've sculpted an object in Blender and wanted to play with the geo nodes and I'm very new to using geo nodes. In a few tutorials I followed there were some attribute nodes I couldnt find in the editor....
Maanas Machineni's user avatar
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3 answers

Point > Align Rotation to Vector Node is missing in 3.0 and 3.1 [duplicate]

I'm trying to follow along this tutorial by Erindale on youtube I am using blender 3.0 as he suggests in the beginning of the video. Same as he is using. I reach a point in the video (10:04) where he ...
thefoster9's user avatar
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Why am I missing nodes in my geometry nodes editor? [duplicate]

I'm currently following along with this tutorial, and at 1:20 and 2:00, I noticed that in the add menu, I simply don't have the nodes "integer" or "dual mesh". They just don't ...
A modeler in need.'s user avatar
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I can't find "instance on point" node, just "point instance" [duplicate]

I'm following along with a "game-like" tutorial using version 2.93. There comes a point where the guy says use the Instance on Points node, but I can't find it, I can only find Point ...
RichRareRefined's user avatar
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Can't find the Scale node [duplicate]

Hi i'm following youtube tutorial but my blender(3.6) doesn't have 'Scale' node and only have these 3 nodes.. i tried all my best but it doesn't work same way.. the tutorial video made by blender 3.4 ...
H Yee's user avatar
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2 votes
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Overview of Node Changes in Blender 3.0 [duplicate]

I used Geometry Nodes in Blender 2.93 and was about to use it again together with old projects in Blender 3.0.1 but a lot nodes do not exist anymore and I can not find where to look up what to use ...
Yoshy's user avatar
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Geometry to Instance node is missing in my geometry nodes in Blender 3.1.2 [duplicate]

Geometry to Instance node is missing in my geometry nodes. When i open a new file i'm able to see it but can't find with the file i'm working with.Help
Griffin Migadde's user avatar
-1 votes
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Where can I find the "Density" attribute in Blender 3.6.1? [duplicate]

This node from Blender 2.92.0. I need the attribute "Density". Where is it?
Fire Demon's user avatar
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I'm looking to replace point instance in blender 3.3.0 [duplicate]

I'm watching this tutorial timer 23:54, he's using instance point in the geometry nodes editor, and i don't know how to do that on blender 3.3.0, i saw there was instance to/on points but i don't ...
h2opium's user avatar
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Custom textures in new "Fields" Geo nodes [duplicate]

Does anyone know how to use custom image textures in the new Fields refactor of geometry nodes? There used to be a node called attribute sample texture, I cannot find the equivalent now. Thanks in ...
Blue Torch's user avatar

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