
It's difficult for me to make clear this part of bullet.

I use cylinder with 16 vertices, add 2 horizontal loops "ctrl+r", insert "i" 2x loops. Then I extrude with individual origins and normal transform orientation polygons

Then I add subdivision surface and some loops to save form. But there are problem with entrance 5 edges in vertices and bad form of curve shape

How to save curve shape of cylinder with such deformations and to get it with clear topology?

LukeD, thanks for solution to the problem. Here's my result:


2 Answers 2


You can use Shrinkwrap Modifier with Vertex Group and another Cylinder as Guide mesh to do this.

enter image description here

  1. Create Cylinder in the same place as original. Lets call it Guide Mesh. It can be higher (Z axis) but it should have exactly same Radius. Without top/bottom faces. Add to it Subdivision Surface Modifier - Subdivisions 6. You can Hide it.


  2. In Original Mesh (the one you have modeled) select outside vertices. The ones that should be perfectly round. Add Vertex Group and Assign them.


  3. Add to the Original Mesh Shrinkwrap Modifier and choose created Vertex Group and Guide Mesh as a Target.


Note: You will need to Apply Shrinkwrap modifier in order to move/scale/rotate mesh or you can do this with Guide Mesh selected also.


Try to avoid inset geometry on curved surfaces. Try something like this:

enter image description here


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