
I am using blender version 2.79.

Is there a way to set an object to be a shadow catcher in cycles settings per render layer?

Example for a scene setup:

Render layer 1:

  • qube = red material
  • sphere = blue material

Render layer 2:

  • qube = shadow catcher
  • sphere = blue material

Render layer 3:

  • qube = red material
  • sphere = shadow catcher

Are the examples possible? If you have a material setup for a shadow catcher or a way to do it in postpro this would help too.

I know there will be a new render layer organisation in upcoming v2.8 but I need a workaround now...

Thank you for all tips.

Best wishes from germany



1 Answer 1


This is my workaround about it:

I Used 3 frames and set the Shadow Catcher for every object in its frame.

Let the mouse pointer over the Shadow Catcher checkbox and press I , this will make a keyframe to that single frame.

Move to the next frame, check the Shadow Catcher and with mouse pointer over the Shadow Catcher checkbox and press I again.

To the next frame, unckeck the Shadow Catcher and with mouse pointer over the Shadow Catcher checkbox and press I again.

Repest it to the other object. But using: frame 1 - unckeked, frame 2 - unchecked and frame 3 - checked.

Render the 3 frames an Animation.

See the image below:

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Hi LeoNas. Thank you for the answer. This is a possible solution. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 16:40

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