Following the last comments, this is more some guidelines than a real answer.
What you can do/code inside Blender is an addon based on the same principle as UV project modifier. The principles are the following:
Given a camera and its parameters, you can obtain its projection matrix. For instance have a look at this.
You can also use/create an UV map (to be built by the code). In this addon, I image that you could parameter one UV map by camera (that may be needed or not, depending on the way you'll define the materials/textures correspondences).
Now you can loop over your model polygons (faces), test their normals against the concerned cameras axis and so determinate which polygons are best concerned by which camera.
Knowing each polygon/camera pairs, and the previous projection matrix, you can calculate the UVs of the polygons, then associate them to the corresponding UV map.
You are done...
Eventually you can also dynamically test camera's parameters changes (tuned by user to adjust the uv/image mapping) and auto update the UV map (performance to be taken into account).
That should be relatively simple.
But the problem is you will have partially hidden polygons due to the projection (it is true too for orthographic projection) and these polygons will overlap on the UV map.
A more complete answer in an addon that calculates the UV projections of the mesh, depending of the camera positions.
As indicated above, it uses the same principle as the UV project modifier (in the UI part).
(the blank parts in the gif are parts where no image is given).
For each camera, you need to indicate the corresponding UV map and material slot to use. Then the script calculates the polygons oriented to each camera and for each polygon the projected coordinates to be assigned to the UV map.
The code below is commented for more information:
import bpy
import time
from mathutils import Vector
from operator import itemgetter
#Used to store information related to each camera setting
class UVPPCameraSetting:
def __init__( self, scene, camera, obj, uvMap, materialSlotIndex ): = camera
self.uvMap = uvMap
self.materialSlotIndex = materialSlotIndex
#Z axis of the camera translate in world (Z axis is opposite to view)
self.zInWorld = Vector( (0, 0, 1) )
self.zInWorld.rotate( )
#To keep polygons to handle for this setting
self.polygons = set()
#Camera parameters
#Matrix to convert from object coordinate to camera coordinates
self.toCameraMatrix = camera.matrix_world.inverted() * obj.matrix_world
#The frame is composed of the coordinates in the camera view
frame = [v / v.z for v in]
#Get the X, Y corners
self.minX = min( v.x for v in frame )
self.maxX = max( v.x for v in frame )
self.minY = min( v.y for v in frame )
self.maxY = max( v.y for v in frame )
#Precalculations to avoid to repeat them when applied to the model
self.deltaX = self.maxX - self.minX
self.deltaY = self.maxY - self.minY
self.offsetX = self.minX / self.deltaX
self.offsetY = self.minY / self.deltaY
#Calculate the UV coordinateds from the object coordinates
def CalcUV( self, objCo ):
#Object in camera view
camCo = self.toCameraMatrix * objCo
#Z is "inverted" as camera view is pointing to -Z of the camera
z = -camCo.z
#Translates x and y to UV coordinates
x = (camCo.x / (self.deltaX * z)) - self.offsetX
y = (camCo.y / (self.deltaY * z)) - self.offsetY
return x, y, z
#In case Z is zero
return 0.5, 0.5, 0
def UVPerspectiveProject( scene, obj, camSettingList ):
print( '------------------------' )
startTime = time.time()
matrix_world = obj.matrix_world
rotation_world = matrix_world.to_euler()
#Assign polygon to its corresponding camera considering faces most aligned to camera view
for p in
normalInWorld = Vector( p.normal )
normalInWorld.rotate( rotation_world )
camSetting, maxDot = max( ((c, c.zInWorld)) for c in camSettingList), key=itemgetter(1) )
camSetting.polygons.add( p.index )
print( 'precalculations. elapse in seconds', time.time() - startTime )
loops =
vertices =
#For each setting,
for cs in camSettingList:
camera =
uvMap = cs.uvMap
polygons = cs.polygons
projectedCo = {} #Storage to avoid multiple calculations of the same world_to_camera_view
#Go through all polygons
for p in
#If the polygon corresponds to the setting
if p.index in polygons:
#Assign the material index
p.material_index = cs.materialSlotIndex
#Calculate each vertex uv projection
for i, vi in [(i, loops[i].vertex_index) for i in p.loop_indices]:
if vi not in projectedCo: #not already calculated for this cam
x, y, z = cs.CalcUV( vertices[vi].co )
projectedCo[vi] = (x,y)[i].uv = projectedCo[vi]
#If not, uv are set to (0,0)
for i in p.loop_indices:[i].uv = (0, 0)
print( 'done. elapse in seconds', time.time() - startTime )
def TargetObjExists( context ):
scn = context.scene
obj = scn.objects[scn.uvPerspectiveProject.object_name]
return obj.type == 'MESH'
return False
def IsCamera( context, camera_name ):
camera = context.scene.objects[camera_name]
return camera.type == 'CAMERA'
return False
def SettingsAreOK( context ):
scn = context.scene
settings = scn.uvPerspectiveProject
obj = scn.objects[settings.object_name]
assert obj.type == 'MESH'
for item in settings.cameras_settings:
camera = scn.objects[item.camera_name]
assert camera.type == 'CAMERA'
uv_map =[item.uv_map_name]
materialSlot = obj.material_slots[item.material_slot_name]
return True
return False
class UVPerspectiveProjectOperator( bpy.types.Operator ):
bl_idname = "lemon.uvperspectiveprojectoperator"
bl_label = "UV perspective project"
bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
def poll(self, context):
return context.mode == 'OBJECT' and SettingsAreOK( context )
def invoke(self, context, event):
scn = context.scene
settings = scn.uvPerspectiveProject
obj = scn.objects[settings.object_name]
cameraSettings = [UVPPCameraSetting( scn, scn.objects[item.camera_name], obj,[item.uv_map_name], obj.material_slots.find( item.material_slot_name ) ) for item in settings.cameras_settings]
UVPerspectiveProject( scn, obj, cameraSettings )
return { 'FINISHED' }
class UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsActions( bpy.types.Operator ):
bl_idname = "lemon.uvperspectiveprojectpanelcamlistactions"
bl_label = ""
action = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items = ( ('UP', "Up", ""), ('DOWN', "Down", ""), ('REMOVE', "Remove", ""), ('ADD', "Add", ""), ) )
def invoke(self, context, event):
scn = context.scene
settings = scn.uvPerspectiveProject
index = settings.camera_setting_index
if self.action == 'DOWN' and index < len(settings.cameras_settings) - 1:
settings.cameras_settings.move( index, index + 1 )
settings.camera_setting_index += 1
elif self.action == 'UP' and index > 0:
settings.cameras_settings.move( index, index - 1 )
settings.camera_setting_index -= 1
elif self.action == 'REMOVE':
settings.cameras_settings.remove( settings.camera_setting_index )
settings.camera_setting_index -= 1
elif self.action == 'ADD':
item = settings.cameras_settings.add()
settings.camera_setting_index = len(settings.cameras_settings) - 1
return {"FINISHED"}
class UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsPanel( bpy.types.UIList ):
def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index):
scn = context.scene
settings = scn.uvPerspectiveProject
obj = scn.objects[settings.object_name]
suffix = " (" + str( index + 1 ) + ")"
row = layout.row()
col = row.column( align = True )
col.prop_search( item, "camera_name", scn, "objects", text="Camera" + suffix )
col.prop_search( item, "uv_map_name",, "uv_layers", text="UV map" + suffix )
col.prop_search( item, "material_slot_name", obj, "material_slots", text="Material" + suffix )
def invoke(self, context, event):
class UVPerspectiveProjectPanel( bpy.types.Panel ):
bl_idname = 'lemon.uvperspectiveprojectpanel'
bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
bl_region_type = "UI"
bl_label = "UV perspective project"
def poll(self, context):
return context.mode == 'OBJECT'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scn = context.scene
settings = scn.uvPerspectiveProject
layout.row().prop_search( settings, "object_name", scn, "objects", text="Object" )
if TargetObjExists( context ):
layout.row().label( text="Cameras settings:" )
row = layout.row()
row.template_list( "UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsPanel", "", settings, "cameras_settings", settings, "camera_setting_index", rows = 3 )
col = row.column( align = True )
col.operator( UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsActions.bl_idname, icon='ZOOMIN', text="" ).action = 'ADD'
col.operator( UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsActions.bl_idname, icon='ZOOMOUT', text="" ).action = 'REMOVE'
col.operator( UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsActions.bl_idname, icon='TRIA_UP', text="" ).action = 'UP'
col.operator( UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsActions.bl_idname, icon='TRIA_DOWN', text="" ).action = 'DOWN'
layout.row().operator( UVPerspectiveProjectOperator.bl_idname, text="Apply" )
class UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsProps( bpy.types.PropertyGroup ):
camera_name = bpy.props.StringProperty()
uv_map_name = bpy.props.StringProperty()
material_slot_name = bpy.props.StringProperty()
class UVPerspectiveProjectProps( bpy.types.PropertyGroup ):
object_name = bpy.props.StringProperty()
cameras_settings = bpy.props.CollectionProperty( type = UVPerspectiveProjectCamSettingsProps )
camera_setting_index = bpy.props.IntProperty()
def register():
bpy.types.Scene.uvPerspectiveProject = bpy.props.PointerProperty( type = UVPerspectiveProjectProps )
def unregister():
del bpy.types.Scene.uvPerspectiveProject
if __name__ == "__main__":