I'm a bit newer to blender, so apologies for probably missing some obvious terms.
I am able to create bump maps for objects with hard corners, but when I try to use them on more spherical objects, I can never get what I want. Iwant the bump map to follow the curves of the shape so they are always perpendicular to the faces. (I think the word "normal" is related to this but using the Normal
output from a Texture Coordinate
node doesn't work.) Imagine a golf ball, or a strawberry with seed divots.
Here's an image of what I'm talking about. This is a strawberry with the seed divots:
It looks fine, until it's rotated:
and the divots stretch out. Here's my bump image and here are my material nodes:
I've gotten the most milage out of changing the texture coordinate output and rotating/scaling the mapping node, but it's pretty obvious to me that I'm just flailing around and guessing.
I'm sure there's also a correct term for this that I'd love to know.