I have a bunch of dominos set up in my scene. I want them to tip each other over(aka the domino effect). However, they're not falling realistically. They're falling way to slow.
My dominos are reshaped cubes, which I've applied a box-type rigid body to. But because of limitations unbeknowst to me, I can't properly use rigid body on so small objects. Therefore I've scaled them up to 40 times larger. They are now 81,284cm x 25,414cm x 177,8cm. Because they are sooooooo large, they fall reaaaaally slow.
They are standing on a plane which have been applied a passive rigidbody.
Is there any way of making them fall realistically fast?
I've tested speeding up the scene time, but turns out a bit weird/unrealistic. I've tested bumping up the gravity, but also feels a bit weird.