
enter image description herehere is the picture of what I would like to get(example nr. 2). I need the edge frame to be same in width and length. Also the extrusion is on surface (without depth) I tried extruding region, but it did not give me the result I wanted. I know I could just adjust the scale and do it manually, but that would be eyeballing without achievign accuracy. I would like to know if it is possible to extrude or inset while keeping the shape (even edge space)


2 Answers 2


Inset the face

  1. Go into edit mode. Select the face. right-click
  2. Press I to inset the face.


  1. Press W to open the Specials menu.
  2. From the Specials menu, choose Inset Faces. I


  1. PressCtrl+F to open the Faces menu.
  2. From the Faces menu, choose Inset Faces. I


  1. Choose Mesh > Faces > Inset Faces from the edit mode menu.



With the object selected in Object Mode. Press "Ctrl+A" and click "Scale" to apply the any scaling operations you performed in Object Mode. Now in Edit Mode, select the plane and press "I" to inset it.


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