
When i apply this rig i have here to my test model. With automatic weights. It totally twists my model. Any clue whats causing this? I tried to mess with the poles rotation. And i tried to apply rotation and scale.. nothings helping.

Picture: enter image description here

Edit: I found out that when i disable the Pole targets it seems to do it right. But how can i make it right with poles enabled?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Turning on Axes for the bones can be really helpful when things twist, and/or before parenting mesh to rig. Like it seems in your case, the twist occurs when you parent mesh to rig with Auto-Weights.

I suspect a complete bone rotation in Y axis in one step, (Y axis is Up for bones)

So probably step 1 can solve it, step 2) 3) are more indepth regarding IK.

enter image description here What happens if you change IK Solver to iTaSC enter image description here Sometimes adding stiffness can solve at least weird rotational behaviour. enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Ok cool i will have a go at this later :) ty! $\endgroup$
    – ChoCho
    Commented Feb 13, 2014 at 15:41

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