I'm making this pocket watch and am wondering how to make this design where there are a lot of round extrusions. Thanks!
3 Answers
In top view add a curve. Enter Edit mode and shape it to something like this:
Still in Edit mode Select All (A) and Rotate it 90 degrees in X (RX9o)and 90 degrees in Z (RZ9o)
Exit edit mode and add a Curve->Circle
Select your original curve, make it 3D, check on Fill->Full and give it some extrusion.
Add an Array modifier. Select fit curve and select the circle.
Add a Curve modifier and select the circle again.
Edit the curve, extrusion, radius and offset to meet your needs.
Start with a mesh->circle with a lot of vertices.
Estrude and Scale:
With all of the edges/faces selected Press I to activate the Inset Tool and enable Indivdual.
By controling thethickness and depth you should be able to get something like this:
Smooth and subsurf:
Add a mesh circle and make it so it has a lot of segments (make it an even number though) In this example I chose 120
By extruding and adding loop cuts create a shape like this:
Select an edge like this and then do Select->Similar->Lenght
Now do Select->Checker Deselect. So you end up with every other edge selected.
move those edges up on the Z axis.
Smooth and subsurf: