I'm very inexperienced with Blender. I've only learned enough to place textures on an object and save it as a file that I need for other programs. I have added textures to other 3d objects in Blender with no problem, but this file is giving me issues.
I purchased a 3d file through TurboSquid. All the textures appear to be facing the inside of the object rather than the outside. I've tried to follow directions on mirroring, recalculating normals, but it doesn't seem to make the texture face the outside.
Would some one mind explaining in layman's terms how to get the textures to face the right way? I would appreciate it so much. Thank you!
The 1st image is what it's supposed to look like, the 2nd image is the top of the object after adding textures, and the 3rd image is the bottom of the object after adding textures.
EDIT: I attempted to subtract Y on all textures as AAA Yerus suggested. Still appears the same.