Im modelling a phone and so in order to create the speaker holes, I created a circle, applied an array modifier and then joined it with the main phone body. then I deleted the faces that the circles were sitting on and redid the topology by myself, working around the circles to create holes. then I extruded the circles inward to make holes. however after doing so the faces at the bottom of the extrusion/hole are not appearing unless I add a sub surf modifier, but thats not much of a problem since I intended to do so anyway but id like to know why this is happening. The problem arises when I add the sub surf and crank it up to 2 levels, a small hole/crack appears in the mesh when I do so. how do I fix this? (see images attached)
Note: I tried recalculating normals but that didn't do much. I could fix the smaller hole at the top by bevelling the circle that I extruded to make the hole but I don't really like how that looks plus the other hole doesn't get fixed by this.