
I am currently trying to write a python script with bpy and Blender 2.9 to render images of a couple of thousand wavefront objects with material information. I only need the "true colors" of the objects, without shading, so I first tried to disable all light sources in the scene, what I could not accomplish because I am completely new to blender.

What would be the best approach to achieve this? Is there a way to set a uniform light source like the Hemi Lamp in previous blender versions? Is there a way to pass only the diffuse color of the materials? I am quite stuck at the moment and would really appreciate any advice and bpy code examples.


1 Answer 1


Just use an Emission shader. This will emit the intensity of the surface without responding to any surrounding light sources so will produce a pure "unshaded" colour.

Related: Node for setting render colour, regardless of lighting


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