
Is there a way to find the exact places (in the Shading Editor for example) where a certain texture is used? And is there in general a nice overview of all (external) assets in a .blend?

For reference, I use Poliigon's Material Converter add-on, which imports diffuse maps, AO maps, displacement maps, normal maps etc. and automatically creates a rather complicated node group with those, hence it is a little difficult to found textures. In order to keep the packed .blend small, I want to avoid packing textures which aren't actually used.


1 Answer 1


Just a short overview

  • List of all images is in Outliner > Blender file > Images
  • List of unused images is in Outliner > Orphan Data > Images
  • To delete selected items Right Click > Delete
  • To remove all orphaned data at once (except those with Fake user) use the nice Purge button

(Blender also 'Purges' all unused and unprotected images when you close it.)

There are three images in my file. Image 02 isn't used in any material so I can get rid of it.

enter image description here


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