
I have several (externally generated) two-mesh sequences representing undeformed/deformed objects. I would like to visualize these deformations using texture mappings on the meshes.

In particular, I would like to place a texture on the undeformed object, and have it deform along with the mapping to the deformed object. The mesh connectivity between undeformed/deformed is the same.

Is there an established method for doing this in Blender? I have heard that this can be done using "shape keys", although I do not know what this means. I am very new to Blender and graphics software in general, so basic advice is appreciated.


1 Answer 1


I solved the problem. I did not use shape keys at all.

This can be done by copying the UV-mapping from the source mesh onto the target mesh (c.f. https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.79/editors/uv_image/uv/layout_management.html).

Since both objects have the same topology, this is straightforward.


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