
I'm trying to make a base for a hard surface model I'm working on using mostly modifiers, and I was hoping I could create a closed "conic" shape out of a simple plane by using an Array modifier and a Deform Curve modifier. But I can't get the first and last elements to merge properly. The best I can do is modify the scale of both curve and mesh until I cant get them close enough, but then I end up with another element overlapping the first one, causing artifacts on rendering, such as: enter image description here

enter image description here

Is there any way to get the last merge with one of the other Fit Types of the array, or some other fix?


1 Answer 1


The first-last merge is being requested before the array is deformed: at that stage the first and last are nowhere near each other..

It may not be ideal for you, but in this case you could do the rotation in the array, by using an object-offset, target: say an empty, rotated by (360/sides) in Z. Then the merge works.

enter image description here

This example has a bevel-by-angle modifier after the array.

Edit: Since this answer, the Weld modifier has become available, and can be used to stitch vertices together in this, and other situations.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, this seem to work! The curve had some interesting degree of control of with the Mean Radius and Tilt properties, too bad it doesn't work for this purpose though. $\endgroup$
    – omiyage
    Commented Jun 28, 2019 at 22:30

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