I am working with a very large scene with a lot of poorly optimized objects (from sketchup.) I am trying to optimize my settings so that I can properly navigate the file to make necessary material changes, etc. I have done the usual things like turning off outline selected, and have achieved fairly good performance. However, there is a big problem.
My current setup is that various objects are broken down into 3 Layers, and each is the child of an empty to help organize them.
Normally, I can fly around the scene just fine without any performance impact. But as soon as I select any object other than the camera, my performance completely tanks! It takes 5-10 seconds to respond to any clicks or commands. This makes it almost impossible to select objects and change their materials, add them to groups, etc.
I am trying to understand why my performance can normally be okay, but then goes to nothing when interacting with objects.
I do not think I can share the specific file as it belongs to a client and cannot be freely distributed (and is 400+mb).
Any ideas what could be going on?
UPDATE: I can add new objects to the scene and select them without any performance impact.