
i am using the addon simple bake for baking pbr maps for objects.

If i use External Data > Unpack all into files to export an FBX with image textures, blender is saving all images as .PNG except the normal map which is .EXR.

To save file-space i want to unpack as .PNG and cannot figure out to tell blender to always use .PNG instead of .EXR for normals.

The packed image texture has the following properties: enter image description here

This has worked before and suddenly i only get exr. A workaround is to save only the normal individually by Image > Save As (here is openEXR selected by default) and change it to PNG, but this is very impractical.

I also tried to set the default format under Output Properties > Output to PNG with no luck.

I hope someone can help me how to set blender up to always save the normal image in a specific format (.png for my case)


1 Answer 1


I had the same problem. I noticed that when I created a new image to bake to, I'd left off the .png. I just created a new image and included the .png at the end and I was good to go.

  • $\begingroup$ Hi, thanks for the post. This site is not a regular forum, answers should be substantial and thoroughly explain the solution and required workflow. One liners and short tips rarely make for a good answer. If you can edit your post and provide some more details about the procedure and why it works feel free to restore it, otherwise it may be deleted or converted into a comment. Perhaps add a few images illustrating the workflow and final results. See How do I write a good answer? $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 27, 2021 at 23:48

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