i am using the addon simple bake for baking pbr maps for objects.
If i use External Data > Unpack all into files to export an FBX with image textures, blender is saving all images as .PNG except the normal map which is .EXR.
To save file-space i want to unpack as .PNG and cannot figure out to tell blender to always use .PNG instead of .EXR for normals.
The packed image texture has the following properties:
This has worked before and suddenly i only get exr. A workaround is to save only the normal individually by Image > Save As (here is openEXR selected by default) and change it to PNG, but this is very impractical.
I also tried to set the default format under Output Properties > Output to PNG with no luck.
I hope someone can help me how to set blender up to always save the normal image in a specific format (.png for my case)