
I'm experiencing a bizarre issue: Certain curves appear to offer options that other curves do not, specifically the ability to set the resolution of the active spine. I noticed this because one curve is smooth (follows the resolution setting) while the other is not (each curve point is a also a geometry vertex). Both curves are paths: I checked everywhere and couldn't find anything that should be different between them. Attached is a simple blend file with the two curves.


When selecting the first curve, you get this set of settings under the Active Spline section which contains all options as desired:

But when selecting the second curve, the section only offers two of those options, the rest are inexplicably gone!


1 Answer 1


Solved with the help of StrayBillie from the BlenderArtists forum: I fixed my curve by selecting it then pressing F3 and looking for Curve - Set Spline Type - NURBS. I wasn't aware of the different spline types till now.


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