I am trying to create a scene where I have a text set up and it is covered by a cube.
I will eventually have the cube break away looking like the wood is chipping away and creating the text (I've done it many times in version 2.79B and now am trying to learn blender 2.8.
I have done two quick scenes with something and did Ctrl/Alt/numpad 0 to put the camera into position I want for the render..
When I am trying to do it with this scene, when I hit the Ctrl/Alt/numpad 0 to put camera into position.. the cube goes up above the text and i can't control the camera at all I have tried to position the camera 6 times now and it continually moves my cube off the text and moves it above the text and I can't get the camera in position.
I can't see a problem, but not knowing how 2.8 works, I don't know what am missing with this particular scene.
I looked at one of the other scenes I did in 2.8.. if I click the arrow next to Camera, it shows 'Camera" but if I click the arrow next to Camera in this scene that is giving me problems, it says Camera.001 as if there are two cameras in the scene, but I only have one camera.
I am going to try and delete the camera again, not sure at this point what to do with it.