
Everytime I import MXH2 to Blender, I find there are some meshes in the last layer. They are named "GZM....". What are they? enter image description here

I find some WGT in a file from blendercloud. I don't understand what they are either. I fail to find some tutorials about them.enter image description here


1 Answer 1


These are the shapes used for the custom bone shapes in the rig once the rig is generated. If you are in pose mode on a rig, you can go to the details of the bone in the property editor and see that you can reference a mesh object or empty as the new shape for the selected bone.

  • $\begingroup$ What if I delete them? Seem nothing happen... When I append one human model from another blend files. The GZM will be shown one by one in the Outline. :( They go out of the group or are appended automatically, which depends on how I import a model. @Craig $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 28, 2018 at 4:28

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