
enter image description here

With the reference image above. I want to make the bottom part which is twisted. At the top it go upward straight and the bottom part it goes narrow. I tried with the screw modifier but how can i make the top and bottom part. I tired to apply the modifier and extruded but the center point did not works. Any suggestion or help how it works.

  • $\begingroup$ Now you need to convert your curve to mesh, lower down the resolution of your curve and the steps of your modifier if you don't want a too dense topology. Then you need to model the top and bottom. I'm not sure what you mean with the "center point" $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 13:31
  • $\begingroup$ the other solution, if you want to do everything with curve, is to use a spiral curve, then you can extrude the top and bottom, and scale down the bottom vertex $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 13:50

1 Answer 1


You can't create the top and bottom without applying the Screw modifier. If you choose to apply, before applying lower down the Resolution of your curve and the Steps of your modifier in order to keep a low-poly topology. Then you need to model the top and bottom (with some extrusions).

If you want to work with a curve as much as possible you could create a spiral curve (you need to enable the Add Curve: Extra Objects addon, then ShiftA > Curve > Curve Spirals > Archemedian), play with the parameters in the Operator Box (don't create too many Steps if you want to stay low poly):

enter image description here

Then header menu > Curve > Set Spline Type > Bezier:

enter image description here

Then press V to change handle type and choose Automatic:

enter image description here

Bevel the curve in the Object Data panel > Geometry, keep Round selected and increase the Depth value:

enter image description here

At last, extrude the top vertex and the bottom vertex, and in order to reduce the bottom vertex radius, press AltS or type the radius in the N panel:

enter image description here


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