I'm learning how to use Blender. I'd like to make models for game engines and also for sharing with other people.
Context: I want to make a bottle with a glass material, and a label on the bottle (and the label is a bit round).
I found the best glass effect is the glass BSDF in cycles, but to be able to export my model as .obj or .fbx I have to bake everything on a texture (from what I know so far).
Problem: When I bake the glass, export my model and then reimport to other software, the baked glass is not transparent. Of course I can set the transparency in that other 3D software for that "glass area", but that'll effect all other objects on that baked image. For example, I dont want the "round label" to be transparent.
Question: Is it possible to bake the glass area of the bottle with transparency? I've found the only way to export a model of a bottle with a rounded label would be through cycles, though I don't want to adjust the faces to fit the label that is rounded. So is this possible? Is there a better way to do what I want to do?